Before coming to Indonesia the longest time I had been overseas was my 5.5 months studying abroad in India. I learned a lot in India and made some wonderful, life-long friends. One of those friends, Kelsey Cobb, is currently working at a non-profit that targets teens who are/were involved in gangs in Singapore. Last weekend after my family left, Kelsey hopped on a plane and came over to spend two days exploring Yogyakarta with me. It was great to see her, share stories about India, catch up on our current lives and study abroad group gossip, and travel together again.
Keeping with the style of our study abroad trip, we decided to go visit Prambanan--the Hindu temple complex outside of Yogya. I had actually never been there before because I was saving the trip for when she visited. I know that everyone loves Borobudur temple, but I actually enjoyed Prambanan more. Sacrilegious for someone from Magelang to say, I know...don't tell on me. I found it interesting because it included multiple temples devoted to different Hindu gods and goddesses. It just seemed...more impressive somehow. Borobudur is BIG, but...personal preference I guess.
True to Indonesian style, we got rained on, bought batik, and ate veg food at Milas. It was great to see Kelsey and I hope she had as much fun visiting as I had hosting her!
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