It is a rare occurance to visit the factory when they are in production, but we lucked out! It wasn't quite as cool as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory--mostly due to the lack of oompa loompas. It was still really cool to watch the women pour big dippers full of melted chocolate into molds and then pipe them full of filling. Lolly and I stood gaping at the workers until they started to gape back at us [probably no one has ever watched them for such a long period of time before]. We finally pried ourselves away to visit the gift shop for our free samples. Of course I thought of Chesh the whole time--the wonderful Aunt who first introduced me to the delicious world of chocolate! If I ever find myself jobless with no immediate prospects, I'm moving back to Yogya to work at MONGGO!
My epic return to the blogosphere
14 years ago
Hi Sarah, I'm the ELF in Gorontalo this year but I'll be the ELF in Yogya next year and I LOVE chocolate, so thanks for posting this. I can't wait to check out the factory!!
ReplyDeleteGreat little gem of a post. Did you see the article in the "New Yorker" about 3 years ago on high-end chocolate in the US? The description of the factory and also of the Brazilian plantation were magic. They described a fresh drink made from chocolate pulp, but a drink that decays so quickly and which can't stand refrigeration, that it's never readily available more than a dozen or so degrees of latitude from where cacao is produced. Maybe you could get a taste there?