We slept in the lean-to pictured below. It is made out of bamboo and sits on stilts directly on the sand of the beach. The view can't be beat, but bamboo does not make the most comfortable mattress. None of us had any camping gear so we slept under sweatshirts or towels and used each other as pillows. Needless to say, we didn't get all that much sleep. But the experience did not disappoint! The bonfire was beautiful, the weather superb, and when we woke up to the ocean view...it didn't matter how much we slept.
In the morning, we walked down the beach and around a point that had kept our area secluded into a tiny little fishing village. These boys went out in this boat to catch us a fish for breakfast. They then proceeded to grill it up with rice and vegetables. It was a delicious local meal.
While we were waiting for our food, Thom played us some soothing music on a guitar that was lying around. (Lucas: Thom works as a counselor at Farm and Wilderness Camp!)
After breakfast we went for a swim in the warm, blue water. The waves were just big enough to make it interesting. We all agreed that we would like to extend our stay, but with classes to teach the next morning we headed back to Yogya that afternoon to return to our schools.
My epic return to the blogosphere
14 years ago
A little bit of paradise... You don't get a view or fresh meal like that at every five star hotel! What fun!
Mum xoxo